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From Worrier to Warrior - Helping the Anxious Child find their Inner Warrior within the School Environment

From Worrier to Warrior - Helping the Anxious Child find their Inner Warrior within the School Environment





While separation anxiety is a normal part of development, it becomes problematic when the symptoms - fear of being alone, fear of abandonment, somatic complaints, and worry about atrocities - hinders the child’s normal day to day living (Eisen & Schaefer; 2005.) In essence the child begins to fear the fear itself.

When a child’s fear causes her nervous system to be preoccupied with remaining safe and avoiding threat, she cannot attend to the here and now. Her survival brain is engaged and access to her learning brain is impeded. Out of fear of the consequences of separation from their attachment figure, children experiencing this may refuse to participate in play activities or even attend school (Choate et al, 2005).

Wipfler and Schore state that when a child feels connected and protected her limbic system can do a very important job; it can coordinate communication between all parts of the brain (2016). The learning brain re-engages. With a response that is rooted in connection within a structured and predictable environment, an anxious child can be supported to find the inner warrior within the worrier.

This workshop will support participants to:

  • Understand anxiety and the impact it has on the way a child operated within the school environment
  • Respond to those anxieties in child centered, playful way – empowering the child to externalise and manage their fear
  • Use classroom management strategies to create an environment and atmosphere that promotes calm
  • Explore how anxiety can lead to school refusal

Tutor: Aideen Flynn

Aideen Flynn has worked with children in educational settings for 20 years, starting as a mainstream primary teacher, moving into SEN, working specifically with children with an ASD diagnosis and then with children with complex needs.Aideen is now a child and adolescent psychotherapist helping children, parents and teachers work together to enable the struggling child be the best he or she can be.Aideen is an accredited member of the Irish Association of Playtherapists and Psychotherapists.

Course Properties

Course Date 24-02-2025 4:00 pm
Course End Date 24-02-2025 6:00 pm
Capacity Book now
Individual Price Free
Speaker Aideen Flynn
Select Hours 2
Location Limerick Education Support Centre
Categories Primary, SNA CPD Courses

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