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Reviewing & Developing SEN Policy Session 1 of 2

Reviewing & Developing SEN Policy Session 1 of 2






  • Discussion and review of appropriate SEN policy templates 
  • Potential of 6 step SSE process to be applied in the improvement and development process.  
  • Reviewing additional needs in our school given current circumstances.
  • Examination of the schools ability to support students at risk through remote learning
  • Identifying gaps in the knowledge and skills of the school team. 
  • Identification of the stakeholders to engage in the reviewing of current policy & practice in SEN. 
  • Selection of suitable data collection methodologies (reflective questionnaires, focus groups, interviews)

Facilitator: Dr. Celia Walsh

Dr. Celia Walsh is a former SET, Primary Principal & Director of Waterford Teachers Centre. She completed her M St in SEN in Trinity College, while her Doctoral research at Dublin City University examined the leadership and management of SEN provision in mainstream primary schools. She lectures part-time in educational leadership at the University of Limerick, while also providing online CPD in SEN through the Education Centre network and facilitating school staffs in developing effective SEN policy and practice. Her areas of educational interest include teacher professional networks, promoting school inclusion and developing effective school leadership.

Course Properties

Course Date 15-10-2024 4:00 pm
Course End Date 15-10-2024 5:00 pm
Capacity Book now
Individual Price Free
Speaker Celia Walsh
Select Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, SNA CPD Courses

Course fully booked