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About Us

Limerick Education Support Centre is one of a national network of 21 full-time Education Support Centres. The Centre has been operating since 1973 and has grown in strength and function since those earlier days. Limerick ESC celebrated its 50th Yr of service in 2023.

Mission Statement

  • To provide a collaborative space for the sharing and dissemination of knowledge and information with all education stakeholders, especially by the organisation of courses, seminars, conferences, lectures, debates, symposia and all other means subject to the approval of the committee.
    • To encourage fruitful links with and between the different levels of education.
      1. To act as a resource centre which would enable education stakeholders to prepare and construct equipment and materials for use in their own schools and in addition to facilitate the display of teachers’ and pupils’ work and materials for use in their own school and to provide for a display of textbooks, materials and equipment.
      2. To co-operate and engage with other Education Support Centres, full and part-time, so as to ensure that an effective network of Centres is established.
      3. To plan for the development of expertise in key areas and to share such expertise throughout the Education Support Centre Network and the education system in general.

      Director:  Norma O'Brien


      Name Position
      David Sadlier, Villiers School, North Circular Road, Limerick
      Catherine O'Sullivan, Seconded to ACCS
      Assistant Chairperson
      Patrick Hickey, Parteen NS, Parteen, Co Clare
      Brendan Burke, Hazelwood College, Dromcollogher, Co Limerick
      Assistant Treasurer
      Sarah Keane, St. Paul's NS, Dooradoyle, Limerick
      Annette Cregan, Mainistir NS
      Assistant Secretary

      Limerick ESC Management Committee

      Name From
      Brendan Burke
      Hazelwood College, Dromcollogher, Co Limerick
      Annette Cregan
      Manister National School, Croom, Co Limerick
      Liam Guiney
      Oola NS, Oola, Co Limerick
      Rachel Hayes
      John the Baptist Community School, Hospital, Co Limerick
      Patrick Hickey
      Parteen NS, Parteen, Co Clare
      Emma Keane
      Scoil Íosagáin, Sexton Street, Limerick
      Sarah Keane
      St Paul's NS, Dooradoyle, Limerick
      Éibhear O'Déaghaidh
      An Mhodhscoil
      Catherine O'Sullivan
      Seconded to ACCS
      David Sadlier
      Villiers School, North Circular Road, Limerick
      Eibhlín Fitzgerald
      Mainistir NS
      Liam Murphy
      Coláiste Íde & Íosaef, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick
      Bairbre Geraghty
      Technological University of the Shannon - Midlands/MidWest
      Prof. Patricia Mannix-McNamara
      University of Limerick
      Maurice Harmon
      Mary Immaculate College
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

      LESC facilities

      Limerick Education Support Centre provides a number of modern, well equipped meeting rooms catering for meetings from 2- 50, depending on the style required.

      Room 2 also contains Hybrid Technology which can facilitate blended/hybrid meetings.

      Catering can be provided in the form of tea/coffee/biscuits.

      Clients can also pre-order scones and hot & cold lunch options from our catering menu. (Please contact reception to see what options are available on the day)

      Room Number Theatre Style Classroom Style U-Shape U-Shape with tables Boardroom Style
      1 30 Max 25 20-22 18-20 20
      2 50 Max 35 30 25-28 25-28
      3 50 Max 35 30 25-28 25-28
      4 18 16-18 15 15 15
      5 0 0 0 0 16
      6 20 0 0 0 16
      7 0 0 0 0 5

      AGM Reports
